Table of contents

Table of contents. 1


What is LMSKING?. 6

Objectives of the user guide. 6

Features of LMS KING.. 6

Users. 7

Requirements. 7


Open or create a lesson. 9

Open a lesson. 9

Create a lesson. 10

Creation Wizard. 11

Important questions from a text file. 15


Multiple Choice. 19

Matching. 21

Fill in the blank. 23

Multiple response. 25

Either /Or. 27

Drop Down List. 29

Embedded Answers. 31

Jumbled Sentences. 31

Long Answer. 32

Numeric. 33

Option Scale. 34

Quiz Bowl 34

Text (No Questions). 34

Grid. 36

Selector. 38

Import QTI XML Zip File. 39

Copy from another lesson. 39


Manage Lessons. 42

Filters. 42

Add a Lesson. 43

Edit. 45

Delete. 47

Random Blocks. 47

Manage Questions. 49

Save QTI XML file. 50

Import QTI XML file. 50

Configure. 52

Availability. 52

Feedback and Presentation. 54

Lesson Categories. 55

Lesson Templates. 56

Manage Course. 57

Add a new course. 58

Edit the Course. 60

Delete the Course. 61

Manage Lessons in the Course. 62

Course Categories. 64

Certificates. 65

Manage Learning Paths. 66

Add a new learning path. 67

Edit a learning path. 68

Delete a learning path. 69

Publish a learning path. 69

User Profiles. 70

Media upload. 72


Exam.. 73

Quiz. 74

Survey. 74

Presentation. 75

SCORM... 76

ForumLMS. 76

User logins. 77

Transaction. 77

Transaction Info. 77


Learning Path Reports. 80

Time Spent Reports. 82

Student Enrolled. 82

Started Lesson. 83

Completed Lesson. 83

Course Completed. 84

Received Certificates. 84

Completed Exam.. 85

Registered Users. 85

Most Active Users. 86

User Reports. 87

Learning Path Reports. 87

Learning report. 87

Lesson Report. 88

Users. 88

Users Completed Exam.. 88

Course Reports. 89

Users. 89

Course Instance. 89

Exam Reports. 91

Question Analysis. 91

Analysis. 92

Users. 92

System Reports. 93

Traffic Reports. 93

User Types. 93

Certificate Reports. 94

Users that got certificate for the learning path. 94

Users that got certificate for the course. 95

Users that got certificate for any learning path. 95

Certificates that will expire. 96

Search for certificates using a key. 97

Participation Reports. 98

Forum Reports. 99

HDD reports. 99

Transaction Reports. 100

Transcript Report  100


Forum.. 101

Config. 106

Profile. 107

Fields Manager. 110

Forms Manager. 114

Images Manager. 115

Config. 115

Media Upload. 118

Config. 118

File Share. 119

Config. 119

Feedback. 120

Fields. 121

Forms. 125

Config. 126

Chatlms. 127

Channels. 128

Emotions. 131

Config. 133

Chat log. 134

Chat window.. 134

Style. 134

Language. 136

Tools. 137


Teachers. 143

How to create a manual marking question?. 143

How to assess the manual marking question?. 148

Students. 150

How to view and use the manual marking question?. 150


User problems. 151




Welcome to LMSKing, an effective elearning software.  This software facilitates learning through assessments, lesson creation and feedback initiation through surveys.

LMSKing is a web based management learning system that can be used for creating lessons for various classes, conducting online assessments and to seek feedback through surveys. The software simplifies the learning process for the students since they can access the lessons and attempt the various assessments at any time of the day from anywhere. It helps the teachers to organize the lessons and keep a tab on the student's progress over the weeks.

What is LMSKING?

LMS facilitates, organizes and simplifies the learning process, for the teachers as well as the students. The software is useful for survey and feedback purposes as well. The assistants can use the software to review and edit manual markings; whereas the Joomla administrators can have complete control over the system and software settings.

Objectives of the user guide

The user guide will be in a free flowing tree format that allows selecting topic of interest by clicking on the link on the left hand side. IT will be basically divided into six key sections, START, STATS, MANAGE, REPORTS, QUESTIONS, AND EXTENSIONS. All possible help sections are included in the user guide to enable the user understand the software, its use, its features and its processes.

Features of LMS KING

It has the following features

*         The software is easy to use with simplified navigation process and handy user interface.

*         It allows the user to generate reports

*         Surveys can be designed with different options such as open ended questions and closed ended questions

*         The teacher can track the assessments and the progress of the students over the course with the help of STATS option.

*         The teacher or the administrator can also track the logins by the student.


The system is designed in such a way that it can support four different types of users

Teacher: This user would be mainly responsible for organizing, managing and administrating the course. The teacher would be able to access some part of the front end such as manual marking and the administration part of the software.

Student: This user would be the learner and would be accessing the front end of the software 

Assistant: This user will have access to limited portion of front end such as Manual marking

Administrator: This user will have complete control over the software and will be responsible for course and system settings

Each user will have set of tasks and sections at their disposable.


LMS king is a web based application and hence required internet connection and browser all the time. The software will support the following browsers that are easily available in the market

*         Inter Explorer 8 or higher version

*         Firefox

*         Google Chrome

Also before the software is used it is important to ensure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled in the browser.






This is the first tab in the application. It is the very first section used to create a lesson. It has following two categories

1.       Introduction

2.       Open or Create a lesson

This section gives a brief introduction about the application. It does not have any other function but to give information to the teacher about the basic use of the application.

There is also a button labelled VIEW TUTORIAL MOVIE , click on that to view the video.


Open or create a lesson

This section is used to open an existing lesson or to create a new lesson. It has following four options

1.       Open a Lesson

2.       Create a lesson

3.       Creation Wizard

4.       Import Questions from text file

We will explore option in detail in the next section.

Open a lesson

There are four categories under this option

Filter for lessons

*         Category: Select the appropriate category from the drop down list to apply the filter

*         Lesson type: Select the type of the lesson such as exam, presentation, quiz to apply the filter

*         Free Text Search: There is a text box wherein the name of the lesson or first few characters can be typed to apply the filter. For example typing "English" will bring all lessons that start with the name English

Select Lesson

This area shows the list of the lessons based on the different criteria used for the filter.

After selecting the lesson from the list, click on OPEN LESSON which would open the selected lesson.

Create a lesson

This is the second option in the list, and it is meant to create a new lesson.  There are in all 9 fields and only one of them is a mandatory field.

*         Lesson Name: Enter the name of the lesson in the text box

*         Lesson Description: The teacher can enter the brief description of the lesson in the text space with the option to use editor. This description will be available to the user while viewing the lessons in the front end.

*         Lesson Type: Select the appropriate lesson type from the drop down list, for instance exam, survey, presentation and so forth.

*         Lesson Category: Select the appropriate category from the drop down list, to add another category click on ADD CATEGORY which will bring a new pop up window. Add the new category name and click on save, the new category will appear in the drop down list, select the appropriate category.

*         Pre- requisite: Select the appropriate pre-requisite from the drop down list; this will give information to the user as to what is required before attempting this lesson.

*         How many of them must be successfully complete: There can be more than one pre-requisite and in this field the teacher has to mention as to how many of the pre-requisite must be completed, one or all of them or few of them.

*         Select Teachers: Select the assigned teachers for this lesson that would mark the lesson and give instructions to the students or users.

*         Select Assistants: Select the assigned assistants for this lesson that would assist the teachers.

*         Lesson File: Upload the file that would give information about the lesson, the file can be txt, .doc, .rtf, .docx and ppt.

There are three options to save or cancel the work

1.       Save and go to questions

2.       Save and go to lesson list

3.       Cancel

Creation Wizard

The lesson can also be created through some easy steps using the different wizards. The first wizard has the following options

1.       Create a new lesson and then copy questions to it from the other lesson

2.       Create a new lesson in which all questions will be entered manually

3.       Open an existing lesson

Select the right option to begin lesson creation and click on next.

When the first option is selected, the following window to create the lesson appears, it has eight categories and one of them is mandatory.

*         Lesson Name: Enter the name of the lesson in the text box

*         Lesson Description: The teacher can enter the brief description of the lesson in the text space with the option to use editor. This description will be available to the user while viewing the lessons in the front end.

*         Lesson Type: Select the appropriate lesson type from the drop down list, for instance exam, survey, presentation and so forth.

*         Lesson Category: Select the appropriate category from the drop down list, to add another category click on ADD CATEGORY which will bring a new pop up window. Add the new category name and click on save, the new category will appear in the drop down list, select the appropriate category.

*         Pre- requisite: Select the appropriate pre-requisite from the drop down list; this will give information to the user as to what is required before attempting this lesson.

*         How many of them must be successfully complete: There can be more than one pre-requisite and in this field the teacher has to mention as to how many of the pre-requisite must be completed, one or all of them or few of them.

*         Select Teachers: Select the assigned teachers for this lesson that would mark the lesson and give instructions to the students or users.

*         Select Assistants: Select the assigned assistants for this lesson that would assist the teachers.

Click on NEXT


*         File Upload: Upload the file that will give details about the review material to the students before taking the exam. Click on upload and select the file form the computer.

*         Instructions: These instructions will be presented to the students after they have qualified for the lesson having finished the pre-requisite and are about to begin the lesson. The editor has the normal word functions to format the instructions in desired format.

*         Instructions: These instructions will be presented to the students after they have qualified for the lesson having finished the pre-requisite and are about to begin the lesson. The editor has the normal word functions to format the instructions in desired format.

There are different checkboxes the teacher can use to ensure the required standards for the exam are being practised

*         Make exam visible to students: This will make sure the exam is published to the students in the front end

*         Pass Marks: Specify the minimum pass marks the student is required to achieve to pass the exam

*         Allow multiple attempts: The teacher if selects this checkbox ensures that the student is allowed to attempt the exam more than once.

*         Number: This allows specifying the number of times the student can attempt the exam or the lesson

*         Force Completion: This means that the student are forced to complete the exam the first time it is launched

*         Set Time limit for exam: Teacher can specify if the exam or the lesson would be time bound and mention the time limit in hours, minutes in the next drop down list box.

*         Display: This allows the student to view the time left clock so that he can keep up with the pace. There is an option to specify AFTER date by selecting the date from the calendar to ensure that the display is visible after specified date which means that the lesson would be available to the students say after 2nd week or 20th of June.

*         Display Until: IT will display the last date till when the student would be able to view the lesson. For instance after 30th of June the student will not be able to access the lesson or the exam.

*         Password Protect: The teacher can keep the lesson or the exam password protected, there is an option to specify the password in the next text box.

*         Timed Lesson : The system keep track of how long the user is active on a particular lesson, if the mouse or the keyboard are inactive for long time, the timer will go off.



Important questions from a text file

This section allows importing specific questions from other lessons. It has three key fields that are subdivided into different sub fields.

1.       Select the file to import

Type of lesson : Here the file format is select from the drop down list such as QTI XML file

File Name: Select the file to open by clicking on the button labelled CHOOSE FILE , this will open the open file dialogue box

Image folder:  If the lesson will be using some images then select those image by clicking on CHOOSE FOLDER

1.       Choose where to add new questions

Append question to the current document:  This option will attach the questions in the current document in the end

Create a new document: This will create a new document for the imported questions. There is also a text box appended to the end of the question to specify the name of the document

2.       Type of lesson to create

Select from the list by clicking on the appropriate radio button. Depending on the selection the questions would be presented

*         Exam : No feedback will be provided to the user

*         Quiz : Feedback to the user

*         Survey : Information will be collected through these types of questions

*         Presentation : Presentation of the lesson information and no response is required from the user

*         SCORM : These types of questions are in external package but are wrapped in the site

Use 'prefix' plus question number to create title: Here the prefix plus question is used to create the question title for instance CH-1 will be CH-1-1, CH-1-2 and so forth. There is a text box to specify the prefix for the questions.

At the end there is option to preview the settings or click on finish to move to some other section.


This section forms the central part of LMS king. It is basically used to create different types of questions from the lesson and is very useful for the teachers. In order to get into this section, select the lesson from the Start tab by clicking on option OPEN THE LESSON and click on questions. On the left hand corner, different categories are available for creating questions. We will look at each category separately.

The different types of questions that can be created using this section are as follows

1.      Multiple Choice

2.      Matching

3.      Fill in the blank

4.      Multiple Response

5.      Either / Or

a.      Yes/No

b.      Agree/Disagree

c.       Right/Wrong

d.      True False

6.      Drop Down List

7.      Embedded answers

8.      Jumbled sentence

9.      Long Answer

10.  Numeric

11.  Option Scale

12.  Quiz Bowl

13.  Text (no questions)

14.  Grid

15.  Selector

16.  Import QTI XML zip File

17.  Copy from another lesson

There are in all 20 different types of question format that can be used to create lessons, quizzes and exams.


Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice means there is more than one choice for the student and he or she has to select the right answer from it. It is possible to have up to 26 choices but one right answer.

For example the question might be "Who is the current president of United States?" with multiple choice of

1.       Barack Obama

2.       George Washington

3.       Hillary Clinton

4.       Nelson Mandela

And the student has to select the right answer "Barack Obama" from the list of choices.

In order to create multiple question, click on the first tab on the left hand side, there are five fields that need to be filled in order to create the question. The fields marks with * sign are important to be filled.

1.        Title of Question: As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question.

3.       A. Answer: This field requires you to add different options for the multiple choice answers. Click on the tab ADD ANSWERS to add different number of answers. The checkbox with label FEEDBACK gives the option of writing a general feedback to the user when he attempts the answer, a word editor opens to write the general feedback.

B. Select Correct Answer: This field requires setting of the correct answer

4. Point Value: This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper.

5. File Upload:  This field is an optional field and allows uploading a file the user can download and view

There are in all four buttons at the end of the section that gives the option to ADD TO END OF LIST, INSERT INTO LIST, CLEAR FORM and PREVIEW the multiple question drafted.



These types of questions require students to match the correct items displayed in the two columns.  There are two ways to create matching questions, they are

*         Specify matching pairs for left and right columns, the true match for the left should be placed in the immediate right column

*         Fill items in left and right column in any particular order and use the column located on the far left to specify the answer for that pair

For example there are 10 animal names in the left column and they can be categorized as reptiles, carnivores or herbivores. So the left column will carry names of the animals as entered and the right column can have drop down list with three options and they have to select the right option for that specific animal name on the left hand side. 

The different grading options for this type of question are

*         All Points or none: Student needs to get all answers correctly to get 100% points

*         Right Less Wrong: Number of incorrect answers are subtracted from number of correct answers

*         Proportional to the Number Correct - Equal weight to all answers.

In order to create a matching question click on the MATCHING TAB on the left hand side. As evident there are five fields that need to be filled in order to create the matching question.

1.       Title of Question :  As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Enter matching pairs: Clicking on the button add answer will open up multiple text boxes in a row as shown below. These are important fields to be filled, one is marked 1 and another A, to add another answer click on ADD ANSWER.

There are two ways in which matching questions can be created; the two methods however should not be combined. One method is to enter the matching pairs per row as seen above. And another is to jumble all the entries and in the left box of each left column entry, enter the letter of the correct answer in the right column.


4.       Point Value: This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper.

5.       File Upload : This field is an optional field and allows uploading a file the user can download and view


Fill in the blank

Fill in the blank type of questions require students to enter the correct word, string of characters or a phrase in the blank. The teacher in this case has to provide the list of acceptable answers which is then used by the computer to match with the answer provided by the student. Multiple variants for the right answer can be given as list of possible answers.

For example Adam was _______ after receiving gifts from his friends on his birthday. The answer can be HAPPY or its synonyms such as

*         Joyous

*         Cheerful

*         Glad

In order to create fill in the blank type of question click on the tab FILL IN THE BLANK on the left hand side of the table. There are two options to create this type of question,

*         One is to create the question with single fill in the blank

*         Another is to create a question with multiple blanks

Select the appropriate option by clicking on the radio button on the left hand side of these questions.

On clicking single fill in the blank the following screen will appear

It has five fields

1.       Title of Question

2.       Question Wording

3.       Enter all acceptable spelling and answers below. Exact spelling ,spaces and punctuation needed for credit (Capitalization ignored): Click on button  ADD ANSWER , it will show a text box marked with * sign, insert the different combination of answers, click on X to close the box


4.       Point Value

5.       File Upload


In order to create multiple blank question , select the radio button on its left. It will show the following screen. This has four fields out of which two are mandatory.

1.       Title of Question: As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording : In this type of question, the question and answers needs to be formed in the word editor, for instance

A [ rose, red flower] by any other name would smell as [sweet, good], the words in the brackets form the acceptable answers


3.       Point Value : This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper

4.       File Upload : This field is an optional field and allows uploading a file the user can download and view


Multiple response

Multiple responses require the student to select more than one correct answer for the question.  It is important to append X to all the answers that are correct in the list so that the system understands the correct answers and appends right amount of value to them. So if there are two correct answers in the list, then each will carry value of 50%.

For example which colours are included in our national flag?

1.       Blue

2.       White

3.       Red

4.       Green

5.       Yellow

The student will have to select more than one answer from the list, the correct answer would be 1, 2, and 3.

Click on the tab MULTIPLE RESPONSE  to create multiple response question. IT has five fields as below

1.       Title of the question :As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Enter the answers below

The list can be created by entering the options in the textboxes. They can also be edited by clicking on the Edit tab at the right hand side of the text box. Click the left hand check box for the correct answers. For instance you may add A, B,C, D answers out of which A and D are correct so click the check box for A and D for correct answer.


4.       Point Value : This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper

5.       Credit given: In this field there are two options one is ALL OR NONE and the other is PROPORTIONAL TO CORRECT ANSWER. The former one means the user needs to get all the answers correct to calculate the point whereas the latter option can give half the point if one or more answer but not all are correct.

6.       File upload : This field is an optional field and allows uploading a file the user can download and view



Either /Or

Either / OR type of question are like true or false whereas the student has to select correct choice it can be yes/no, agree/disagree, right/wrong, true/false. So four different question types can be formed under this category

1.       YES/NO


3.       RIGHT/WRONG

4.       TRUE/FALSE

They have to select the answer based on the question, so if they think the statement is correct they select yes or agree or true else no, disagree or false.

For example Moon is a planet

Answer (False) or in agree or disagree type of question the answer would be Disagree, or Wrong, or NO

To create EITHER / OR type of question click on the tab EITHER/OR from left hand side. The following screen will appear with four categories, two of which are mandatory.

1.       Title of question  : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Select Answer options


Choices: This field has possible four options, select the most apt one.

Select correct answer: This has the option of Yes and No for either / or

4.       Point Value: This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper.


Drop Down List

Drop Down list is very much like multiple choices in terms of purpose except with one difference, the answers in this case are in a drop down list. The user has to select the right answer from the list. Only plan text can be used in a drop down list.

For example: Who is an herbivorous animal from the following?

The list can have, lion, tiger, deer, jackal, cat, the student will have to select the right answer from the drop down list, which is DEER.

Drop down List can be created by selecting the tab from the left hand table. There are five fields that should be filled in order to create the list.

1.       Title of question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Answers

In order to create the list click on button ADD ANSWER this will show a text box as below

Create the options by clicking on ADD ANSWER

Click the checkbox that states NEVER SCRAMBLE, this will ensure that every time the page is loaded the list remain intact.


Select correct answer: This has the option of Yes and No for either / or

4.       Select Correct answer : specify the correct answer from the list

5.       Point Value : This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper


Embedded Answers

Embedded Answers allows combining short answer, multiple choice and number sub question in one single question. Commands in curly braces {} are used to add sub question in the question wording.

Not operational

Jumbled Sentences

Jumbled question has some parts as variables and the user has to select the right answer for each variable in order to bring the sentence together. The answers are in form of drop down list and they are same for all the variables. The variables can contain letters, number, underscores, hyphens and the square brackets.

In order to create the Jumbled sentence (sentence with several select lists for the user to select the right answer from) click on the relevant tab on left. There are five fields for this question

1.       Title of Question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question wording with words/phrase to jumble in [brackets] : This means that when the question is worded put the humble words in the bracket. For instance for the sentence

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog, the jumbled sentence would be

The [fox, lazy, quick] brown [fox, lazy, quick] jumped over the [fox, lazy, quick] dog

3.       Additional 'distracter' answers (Plain text only, no formatting or images) : Add another word that would distract the user from selecting the right answer for instance add fax, so the options would be [fox, lazy, fax, quick]

4.       Point Value : This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper

5.       Credit Given: In this field there are two options one is ALL OR NONE and the other is PROPORTIONAL TO CORRECT ANSWER. The former one means the user needs to get all the answers correct to calculate the point whereas the latter option can give half the point if one or more answer but not all are correct

Long Answer

These are paragraph type of questions, they are also known as essay question wherein the students are required to enter their answer in sentences. The computer cannot grade these questions; the teacher is required to manually grade them.

A "LONG ANSWER" option allows the user to create a question with long answer.

It has five categories

1.       Title of question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Select the size of the answer window: Option to select the size of the window, select from 1 line to 5 line to specify the text area for the user to enter the response.

a.       Pre fix Answer box: This allows entering the text that would be automatically appended to the user response.


Numeric questions are like fill in the blank question with only one exception, the answer has to be a number or any values within a specified ranged of numbers. 

For example: How many odd numbers fall in the range 0 to 10?

In this case there can be only one answer that is 5, so the teacher has to enter "0" rather than a range.

If it is required that the student should enter the exact answer in order to receive credit, then enter "0" the "Answer Range", this means that the student will have to enter nothing but the specified answer.

If the student is permitted to answer within a range say 10% + or - then the teacher should enter the variance that would be allowed.

It has four categories, three of them are mandatory. The different categories are

1.       Title of question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Enter answer properties

a.       Correct Answer: This is a mandatory field and the teacher should enter the correct numeric value for the user response. There is an option to specify the + - range, for example 10%, so if the user response is 10.1 whereas the actual answer is 11 then he would get the answer as correct

4.       Point Value : This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper

Option Scale

It is a multiple choice question wherein predefined choices are given for answer, the choices are

Strongly Agree, Agree, neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Not Applicable.

Not operational

Quiz Bowl

In this type of questions, the student is given the answer and he has to enter the right question or has to select the right question from the list of choices available.  The answer should include interrogative word such as when, who, what, why, or where.

Not operational

Text (No Questions)

This is really not a question but group of text used to give some feedback, or give description about the questions that would follow.

This is mostly used by the teacher to give some description or feedback to the student. It has two categories, one of them is mandatory.

1.       Title of question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question.



A Grid type of question allows the teacher to merge all other question types in a table of rows and columns.


It has five fields and only one of them is a mandatory field.

1.       Title of Question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question.

3.       Add Question



a.       Add Question : Click on the tab ADD QUESTION to add new question and click on submit


b.      Add Answer: Click on the tab ADD ANSWER to add answer and click on submit. Each Answer is shown above the table as column labels.

4.       Single Response: This means that the table will have radio buttons grouped by row. There will be one group corresponding to each question and user will have to click on the right answer from the group

Multiple Response : In multiple response, instead of radio button there will be a checkbox, group of checkbox for one question and the user will have to tick right number of check boxes for that specific question.


There is one more specification available in this category, as shown in the figure below

The first box, gives the option to change the angle of the text in the column labels. This option is basically used if the labels are too long. Using this text enables angling of the text in a manner that the width of the column is reduced.


The second box is used to change the size of the font in the column.


5.       Point Value : This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper




It has four categories, two of them are mandatory. The categories are

1.       Title of Question : As the name suggests it requires the title of question

2.       Question Wording: Second is Question wording, using the text editor type the question you want the students to answer, there is also the option of randomize answers which means that the answers will appear in no particular order. If you do not want to use the word features for the editor click on TOGGLE  EDITOR which will hide all the features and will show a normal text box to type the question

3.       Add Question :  Click on the tab ADD QUESTION to add new question

a.       USE SAME ANSWERS FOR ALL QUESTIONS: check this checkbox to ensure all the questions have the same set of answers to choose from.

b.      RANDOMIZE ASNWERS : As the name suggests it gives the option to randomize the answers in each set

4.       Point Value: This field allows setting the points for that particular question, for example 2 points out of the entire paper


Import QTI XML Zip File

This section allows to select QTI XML file from a different location, in this case the questions are contained in an XML file.

Copy from another lesson

On selecting the tab, COPY FROM ANOTHER LESSON a different pop up window appears.  There are four categories in this section,

1.       Lesson filter: This allows filtering the lessons shown under the Lesson category. Type the lesson name or first few characters to get the desired lesson name

2.       Select Category: If the lessons have categories, they are grouped together which facilitates their search

3.       Lesson Type: This can be quiz, exam, presentation or survey.

4.       Lessons : This shows the list of available lessons

Select the required lesson by using different combination of categories and click on the COPY button.



There are nine options under this category, they are

1.       Manage Lessons

2.       Lesson Categories

3.       Lesson Templates

4.       Manage course

5.       Course Categories

6.       Certificates

7.       Manage Learning Paths

8.       User profiles

9.       Media upload

So this section basically helps the teacher manage everything that is on the software ranging from lessons, to user profiles to media uploads. We will explore each option individually


Manage Lessons

This section is for the teachers to be able to manage lessons. Click the tab labelled MANAGE LESSONS from the left hand column; it will bring up the screen with a list of lessons in the system. There are different categories to manage the lessons available under this section, they are


1.       Lesson Name: This is like a filter and based on the name and characters entered, it will filter the existing list of lesson names.

2.       Select Course:  This is another form of filter, select the course from the drop down list and filter the lessons, for instance if the user selects the course "English Speaking" it will bring all the lessons in that particular course

3.       Select Category:  Allows filtering the lessons based on category.


Add a Lesson

 This option allows creating a new lesson, click on the tab labelled ADD A LESSON and it will show the following screen. It has 9 fields, and only one of them is a mandatory field.

*         Lesson Name: Enter the name of the lesson in the text box

*         Lesson Description: The teacher can enter the brief description of the lesson in the text space with the option to use editor. This description will be available to the user while viewing the lessons in the front end.

*         Lesson Type: Select the appropriate lesson type from the drop down list, for instance exam, survey, presentation and so forth.

*         Lesson Category: Select the appropriate category from the drop down list, to add another category click on ADD CATEGORY which will bring a new pop up window. Add the new category name and click on save, the new category will appear in the drop down list, select the appropriate category.

*         Pre- requisite: Select the appropriate pre-requisite from the drop down list; this will give information to the user as to what is required before attempting this lesson.

*         How many of them must be successfully complete: There can be more than one pre-requisite and in this field the teacher has to mention as to how many of the pre-requisite must be completed, one or all of them or few of them.

*         Select Teachers: Select the assigned teachers for this lesson that would mark the lesson and give instructions to the students or users.

*         Select Assistants: Select the assigned assistants for this lesson that would assist the teachers.

*         Lesson File: Upload the file that would give information about the lesson, the file can be txt, .doc, .rtf, .docx and ppt.

There are three options to save or cancel the work

4.       Save and go to questions

5.       Save and go to lesson list

6.       Cancel




Select the lesson by clicking on the relevant radio button in the far left hand column. It will bring a similar screen to ADD A LESSON

*         Lesson Name: Edit the lesson name in the text box

*         Lesson Description: Edit the already entered lesson description. This description will be available to the user while viewing the lessons in the front end.

*         Lesson Type: Option to change the lesson type from the drop down list, for instance exam, survey, presentation and so forth.

*         Lesson Category: Option to edit the appropriate category from the drop down list, to add another category click on ADD CATEGORY which will bring a new pop up window. Add the new category name and click on save, the new category will appear in the drop down list, select the appropriate category.

*         Pre- requisite: Option to edit the  pre-requisite from the drop down list; this will give information to the user as to what is required before attempting this lesson.

*         How many of them must be successfully complete: There can be more than one pre-requisite and in this field the teacher has to mention as to how many of the pre-requisite must be completed, one or all of them or few of them, this category gives the Option to make additions or deletions in this field.

*         Select Teachers: Edit the assigned teachers for this lesson that would mark the lesson and give instructions to the students or users.

*         Select Assistants: Edit the assigned assistants for this lesson that would assist the teachers.

*         Lesson File: Change or alter the uploaded file that would give information about the lesson, the file can be txt, .doc, .rtf, .docx and ppt.

There are three options to save or cancel the work

1.       Save and go to questions

2.       Save and go to lesson list

3.       Cancel





In order to delete any specific lesson, select on the radio button on the left hand column of that respective lesson and click on DELETE tab in the upper right hand corner.

Random Blocks

This section allows creating set of questions from which some questions will be randomly selected during the exam. The teacher can create a set of 10 random questions out of which 2 or 3 would be presented to the student during the exam. It is however important to create question in sets so that the related questions can be picked as random blocks. The teacher here needs to specify the sets such as 3, 4, 5. Click on the tab RANDOM BLOCKS in the upper right hand corner to create these questions. It will open up a new pop up window as below.

*         Add a new set : This allows adding a new set

*         Modify or Delete: Option to change existing set or delete existing set of questions

*         Existing Set: Select the existing set from the drop down list and then click on MODIFY SET OR DELETE SET tab on the right hand side

*         Enter the number of the FIRST question to be used in the set: From the drop down list, select the number of questions to be used in the first set

*         Enter the number of the Last Question to be used in the set: From the drop down list, select the number of questions to be used in the last set

*         Point Value:  Select the point value to be assigned to the set

*         How many: This means how many questions from the BLOCK will be shown to the user


There are two options here,

 ALL :  That means that all the questions in the set have to be correct to get the full mark or Select Number:  Select the number from the drop down list which would qualify the student to get the mark from that set, for instance the set may have 3 questions and the student can get marks for the set only if he answers ALL the questions or say selected questions may be minimum 2.

Add another set or save the work and return to manage lesson screen. 


Manage Questions

In order to manage questions in a lesson, select the lesson by clicking on the respective radio button and click on the tab MANAGE QUESTIONS, it will bring up a pop window as below:

Here the order of the questions can be changed and some of the questions can be blocked.


Save QTI XML file

In order to save the current lesson to QTI XML file, click on the tab SAVE QTI XML FILE  in the far upper right hand corner, it will open a pop up window with following options


There are two options

*         Select Preferences: The user can select either point as decimal number or as percentages. Percentages are recommended for WebCT and Desire2Learn. This can be achieved by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

*         File Format: select the appropriate file format by clicking on the corresponding radio button; the options are QTI XML FILE, QTI XML zip file using IMS content packaging.

Import QTI XML file

This option allows uploading a QTI XML FILE for a specific lesson. Click on the tab IMPORT QTI XML FILE from the upper right hand corner; this will bring a pop up window

Chose the Zip file form the computer and click on upload.



This section is to specify the various settings for the specific lesson. Select the lesson from the list by clicking on the respective radio button. It will show the following screen.

There are two different sections


*         File Upload: Upload the file that will give details about the review material to the students before taking the exam. Click on upload and select the file form the computer.

*         Instructions: These instructions will be presented to the students after they have qualified for the lesson having finished the pre-requisite and are about to begin the lesson. The editor has the normal word functions to format the instructions in desired format.

There are different checkboxes the teacher can use to ensure the required standards for the exam are being practised

*         Make exam visible to students: This will make sure the exam is published to the students in the front end

*         Pass Marks: Specify the minimum pass marks the student is required to achieve to pass the exam

*         Allow multiple attempts: The teacher if selects this checkbox ensures that the student is allowed to attempt the exam more than once.

*         Number: This allows specifying the number of times the student can attempt the exam or the lesson

*         Force Completion: This means that the student are forced to complete the exam the first time it is launched

*         Set Time limit for exam: Teacher can specify if the exam or the lesson would be time bound and mention the time limit in hours, minutes in the next drop down list box.

*         Display: This allows the student to view the time left clock so that he can keep up with the pace. There is an option to specify AFTER date by selecting the date from the calendar to ensure that the display is visible after specified date which means that the lesson would be available to the students say after 2nd week or 20th of June.

*         Display Until: IT will display the last date till when the student would be able to view the lesson. For instance after 30th of June the student will not be able to access the lesson or the exam.

*         Password Protect: The teacher can keep the lesson or the exam password protected, there is an option to specify the password in the next text box.

*         Timed Lesson : The system keep track of how long the user is active on a particular lesson, if the mouse or the keyboard are inactive for long time, the timer will go off.


Feedback and Presentation


This section is used to provide feedback to the student after the lesson or the exam is finished. It also has options to ensure lessons to be presented in specific format.

1.       Feedback option: There are four options score, submitted answers, correct answers, general feedback and, select necessary checkboxes to ensure all the feedback is provided to the student

2.        Question Presentation: There are four options; two of them are radio buttons.

*         ALL at once would display all the questions at the same time

*         One question at a time would display one question and after it's been attempted it will show the next question.

*         Prohibit backtracking means that the student can go back to a question that has already been attempted

*         Show Feedback ensures the student gets the feedback on completing the exam.

3.       Randomize Questions: Every time the lesson or the test is displayed the questions would be randomized

4.       Number format for answer lists: This shows the formatting for the list such as

*         A,B,C

*         1,2,3

*         I, II, III

5.       Open Lesson Question in Full Screen mode: Checking this checkbox ensures that lesson or the exam is shown in the full screen mode, and to block the menu and sidebars that can distract the student.

Lesson Categories

In order to add or delete lesson categories, click on LESSON CATEGORIES on the left hand column, this will bring up the following screen.

The screen shows the list of existing lesson categories, these lesson categories can be edited or deleted, by selecting the checkbox on the left hand column.

1.       ADD : In order to add new lesson category  select the ADD tab on the right hand corner of the screen

Insert the name of the category and click on save

2.       DELETE : In order to delete the lesson category, select the lesson by checking the checkbox in the left hand column and click on the tab  DELETE  in the far right hand corner

3.       EDIT:  Click on the EDIT button in the right hand column of the table respective to the lesson, this will bring the screen that gives the option to change the lesson category, click on SAVE to save the changes. For example check the lesson category titled "Presentation category" and click on Edit button on the right of the lesson category, this will bring the following screen


Lesson Templates

In order to manage the lesson templates, click on the tab LESSON TEMPLATES on the left hand column under the MANAGE option.

It will show the different templates to choose from as shown below

Select the most appropriate template from the options available.

Manage Course

This option allows the user to manage courses. Clicking on the tab  MANAGE COURSE brings out the available course in a tabular format with information such as ID, COURSE NAME,  COURSE DESCRIPTION, NUMBER OF LESSONS  and the option to manage the lessons in a particular course.

Apart from that there are three buttons on the right hand corner of the page that allows to

*         ADD a new course

*         EDIT existing course

*         DELETE existing course


Add a new course

In order to add a new course, click on the tab ADD A COURSE, it will bring the following screen

There are 12 options and two of them are mandatory fields.

1.       Course Name: This is a mandatory field, describe the name of the course for instance English speaking

2.       Course Description: There is a text box with the editor available for the teacher to give some short course description. This description is available to the user while browsing different courses.

3.       Select Lessons for this Course: This is a mandatory field, the list shows the different lessons that are already inserted in the system, select the appropriate lessons which would become part of the course. For instance for English Speaking select lessons on pronunciation, voice modulation, accent, grammar and so forth.  There is the option of LESSON WEIGHTING , the teacher can specify the weightage each lesson will carry in the overall course marking for instance grammar may carry 30% weighting in the English speaking course.

4.       Course Category: This is an optional field; you can categorize the courses for instance say for first three weeks, second term or third term. You can add category to the list or select from the existing category. In order to add categories click on the tab ADD COURSE CATEGORIES

5.       Certificate: Specify the type of certificate the user will get on course completion such as beginners certificate or masters certificate

6.       Valid for : Specify the term for which the certificate will be valid for instance 36 months

7.       Hours: Specify the number of hours required to complete the course

8.       Country: Specify the country where the institute that provides the course is situated.

9.        State / Province: Select the state where the institute that provides the course is situated

10.   File Upload: The Teacher can upload the file giving detailed description of the course , the user will view the file when the decide to take up the course

11.   Pre requisite : Some of the course may required pre-requisite, mention that in this category, select the appropriate option from the list

12.   One and All : This will specify if multiple pre-requisite are required or only one of the select pre-requisite

13.   Select on SAVE OR CANCEL to save the details or cancel them


Edit the Course


In order to edit the course click on the tab EDIT on the far right hand corner which will bring a similar screen to the ADD COURSE SCREEN?

It has all the similar categories, 12 of them and two of them are mandatory categories.

1.       Course Name: This is a mandatory field, describe the name of the course for instance English speaking

2.       Course Description: There is a text box with the editor available for the teacher to give some short course description. This description is available to the user while browsing different courses.

3.       Select Lessons for this Course: This is a mandatory field, the list shows the different lessons that are already inserted in the system, select the appropriate lessons which would become part of the course. For instance for English Speaking select lessons on pronunciation, voice modulation, accent, grammar and so forth.  There is the option of LESSON WEIGHTING, the teacher can specify the weightage each lesson will carry in the overall course marking for instance grammar may carry 30% weighting in the English speaking course. Along with weightage option there is a check box labelled MUST BE COMPLETED which gives information to the user that the lesson is mandatory to be completed in order to complete the course.

4.       Course Category: This is an optional field; you can categorize the courses for instance say for first three weeks, second term or third term. You can add category to the list or select from the existing category. In order to add categories click on the tab ADD COURSE CATEGORIES

5.       Certificate: Specify the type of certificate the user will get on course completion such as beginners certificate or masters certificate

6.       Valid for : Specify the term for which the certificate will be valid for instance 36 months

7.       Hours: Specify the number of hours required to complete the course

8.       Country: Specify the country where the institute that provides the course is situated.

9.        State / Province: Select the state where the institute that provides the course is situated

10.   File Upload: The Teacher can upload the file giving detailed description of the course , the user will view the file when the decide to take up the course

11.   Pre requisite : Some of the course may required pre-requisite, mention that in this category, select the appropriate option from the list

12.   One and All : This will specify if multiple pre-requisite are required or only one of the select pre-requisite

13.   Select on SAVE OR CANCEL to save the details or cancel them

Delete the Course

 In order to delete any specific course, select on the radio button on the left hand column of that respective course and click on DELETE tab on the far right hand corner.



Manage Lessons in the Course

In order to manage lessons, select the particular course by clicking on the radio button in the first left hand column and then click on the button manage lessons on the same row in the far right.

It will open the new screen with title MANAGE LESSON IN COURSE . It has different fields to choose from in order to apply the filters to get to the desired lesson.

1.       Filter all lesson names with : Specify two or three character such as typing "TE" will bring all the lessons whose name starts with Te so Test1, Test 2 and so forth

2.       Category : Select  the appropriate category from the drop down list to filter the lessons

3.       Lesson type: There are five options to choose from the drop down list, "exam", "quiz", "presentation", "survey", "scorm". Choose the lesson type to filter the lessons.

4.       File upload: The user can upload file to a specific lesson in the course

5.       The filter will show the possible lesson names that fulfil the criteria, with the checkbox on the left hand column, tick the lesson name in order to include them in the course. For instance the filter lesson starting with "Tes" will bring 20 results, tick the appropriate checkboxes to include those lessons from the filtered list in the course.

6.       There is also the option to Edit the already included lesson name in the course or even delete them by clicking on the respective EDIT or X sign in the right hand column of the lesson name


So for example, if we do not want the lesson test3 to be included in this specific course we can click on the X sign and it would be removed from the course.


7.       In order to apply the changes , click on the APPLY BUTTON


Course Categories

In order to add or delete course categories, click on COURSE CATEGORIES  on the left hand column, this will bring up the following screen.

The screen shows the list of existing courses categories , these courses categories can be edited or deleted, by selecting the checkbox on the left hand column.

4.       ADD : In order to add new course category  select the ADD tab on the right hand corner of the screen

5.       DELETE : In order to delete the course category, select the course by checking the checkbox in the left hand column and click on the tab  DELETE  in the far right hand corner

6.       EDIT:  Click on the EDIT button in the right hand column of the table respective to the course, this will bring the screen that gives the option to change the course category, click on SAVE to save the changes.




In order to add or delete certificates, click on CERTIFICATES on the left hand column, this will bring up the following screen.

The screen shows the list of existing CERTIFIATES, certificates can be edited or deleted, by selecting the checkbox on the left hand column.

1.       ADD : In order to add new certificate,  select the ADD tab on the right hand corner of the screen, this will bring the following screen

It has three mandatory fields,


*         Name: specify the name of the certificate

*         Description:  Give a brief description of the certificate

*         Background image for Certificate: Choose the image from the computer to upload the file that will appear on the certificate

Click on SAVE


2.       DELETE : In order to delete the certificate, select the certificate by checking the checkbox in the left hand column and click on the tab  DELETE  in the far right hand corner

3.       EDIT:  Click on the EDIT button in the right hand column of the table respective to the course, this will bring the screen that gives the option to change

Name: The new name of the certificate

Description: Addition or deletion in course certificate

PARAMS: Select the right option from the drop down list

Manage Learning Paths

Learning path includes number of courses with exams, lessons, quiz, presentations and so forth. A student has to buy the learning path in order to get complete list of courses in which the student is registered in. It is in a tree format and has certain conditions to it for instance the student may have to finish few chapters in order to advance to the next stage of the learning path. This ensures that the student goes through the material in the order required without skipping any of the stages.

This section is meant to manage the learning paths. The different functions available are






Add a new learning path

In order to add a new path, click on the tab ADD A NEW LEANRING PATH in the top right hand corner.

There are nine properties and all of them are mandatory

*         Learning Path Name : Enter the name of the learning path

*         Learning path Start Date: Select the start date by clicking on the calendar after which the learning path will be available in the list of paths that can be purchased from this date.

*         Learning Path End date: The learning path will be available in the list of paths that can be purchased only until this date.

*         Cost:  Specify the cost of the learning path, to keep it free enter 0.00. The user will have to pay the specified amount to buy the learning path.

*         Select Course: Choose the course by clicking on the button labelled select course, this will attach the learning path to that specific course.

*         Course weighting grade:  Specify the course weighting in terms of the percentage of the course that will go towards the total pass mark of the learning path.

*         Select Students: Here the students that will have free access to this learning path can be specified.

*         Certificate: Specify the certificate that would be awarded to the student once all the courses that are related to that specific learning path are completed.

*         Valid for: Mention the duration for which the certificate awarded will be valid for.

*         Publish learning path: Publish the learning path in case the start and end dates are not mentioned to make it accessible to the user in the front end. Select YES or No.

Click on SAVE to save the changes.

Edit a learning path

In order to add a new path, click on the tab EDIT in the top right hand corner, alternatively click on the EDIT button in the column corresponding to the learning path.

There are ten properties  and all of them are mandatory

*         Learning Path Name: Edit the name of the learning path

*         Learning path Start Date: Edit the start date by clicking on the calendar after which the learning path will be available in the list of paths that can be purchased from this date.

*         Learning Path End date: Edit the learning path date till which it will be available in the list of paths.

*         Cost:  Edit the cost of the learning path, to keep it free enter 0.00. The user will have to pay the specified amount to buy the learning path.

*         Change Course: From the list of existing courses, select the new courses that would be attached to the learning path. 

*         Course weighting grade:  Specify the course weighting in terms of the percentage of the course that will go towards the total pass mark of the learning path.

The list below shows the course ID, lesson name,  teachers and assistants attached to that learning path.

*         Select Students: Here the students that will have free access to this learning path can be specified.

*         Certificate: Edit the certificate that would be awarded to the student once all the courses that are related to that specific learning path are completed.

*         Valid for: Edit the duration for which the certificate awarded will be valid for.

*         Publish learning path: Publish the learning path in case the start and end dates are not mentioned to make it accessible to the user in the front end. Select YES or No.

Click on SAVE to save the changes.

Delete a learning path

In order to delete a learning path, select the path by clicking on the respective radio button on the left hand column and then click on delete.


Publish a learning path

There is an option to publish any learning path by clicking on the X sign in the last column of the table.


User Profiles

This section allows the user to manage the different kinds of profiles. There are two categories and both of them are mandatory.

1.       Filter user name : Here in the text box the user can specify the user name or the profile user name to look for specific profile.

The other option is to use different filters that are available to find the right profile. The different filters are

2.       Teachers: Clicking on this radio button will display all the profiles that belong to teachers with information such as ID, username, name and a tick under the column labelled teacher.

Clicking on the filter Assistant will display all the profiles that belong to assistants with their ID, username and name and a tick under the column labelled assistant.

Clicking on the filter STUDENTS will display all the profiles that belongs to students with their ID, username and name and a tick under the column labelled student.

Clicking on the filter unassigned will bring all the profiles that are unassigned, the user can select these profiles and delete them if they are not in use

Clicking on the filter ALL will bring all the profiles on the system with their ID, USERNAME and NAME and classification whether they are teacher, students or assistant profiles




Media upload

Clicking on the tab MEDIA UPLOAD  will take the user to the extension section.  Different items can be uploaded using this section, such as images, flash files, certificates, video, Scorn modules, UTI packages, and user files.

Select the right option and click on upload , this will open the OPEN WINDOW  to select the file from the computer

Select the right file and click on OPEN.


This section of the software allows the teacher, or the administrator to view different types of stats. From the teacher perspective it helps to organize and store the important information about various exams, quizzes and tests that are uploaded for the course. It also helps to keep a tab on the login by different students.

The opening screen to this section gives options on the left hand side, and when the user selects the particular tab, the relevant information is presented on the right hand window.

As evident from the figure, there are six options available for stats

1.       Exam

2.       Quiz

3.       Survey

4.       Presentation

5.       SCORM

6.       ForumLMS

7.       User login

8.       Transactions

9.       Transaction Info


By clicking on this tab, the following window opens, it shows the name of the exam and number of questions in that particular exam. The information is in tabular format, so one column shows the title of the exam and the other shows the number of questions in that specific exam.



By clicking on this tab, information about the quizzes in that lesson and number of questions in each quiz, the information is demonstrated in tabular format.


Clicking on this tab, the administrator gets information about the number of surveys being hosted in a selected lesson and questions in that particular survey.




Clicking on this tab will give information about the number of presentation in a selected lesson and number of questions in specific presentation


Clicking on this tab will give information about the number of questions in this category in a selected lesson and number of questions in specific SCORM category



Clicking on this tab will give you information about the learning path with their start date and end date

User logins

Clicking on this tab opens other options such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, detailed, brief, bar and line. These are the different types of login stats the administrator can get, for instance clicking on daily tab will give stats about login done on a specific day by all the users, similarly weekly and monthly stats will give information about login during the week and the month respectively. The administrator also has the option of visually presenting the stats in a bar chart form or line form.


Not sure what is this?


Transaction Info

Not yet completed



This reports section allows the administrator or the teacher to generate different types of reports such as

*         Learning Path reports

o   Learning path users

o   Learning path lessons

o   Learning path courses

*         Time spent reports

o   Students Enrolled

o   Started Lesson

o   Completed Lesson

o   Completed Course

o   Received Certificate

o   Completed exam

o   Registered user

o   Most Active user

*         User reports

o   Learning path reports

o   Lessons reports

*         Lesson reports

o   Users

o   Users completed exam

*         Course reports

o   Users

o   Course instances

*         Exam reports

o   Question Analysis ,

o   Analysis 

o   Users

*         System reports

o   Traffic reports

o   User types

*         Certificate reports

o   Users that got certificate for the learning path

o   Users that got certificate for the course

o   Users that got certificate for any learning path

o   Certificate that will expire

o   Search for certificates using its key

*         Participation reports

o   Student

o   Learning path

o   Course

o   Lesson

*         Forum reports

o   Number of forum topics

o   Number of categories

*         HDD report

o   Files in your lesson

o   Media files in your lesson

In all 35 different types of reports can be generated to get detailed information about students, logins, time spend, certificates, files, forums, lessons and courses.




Learning Path Reports

Select the appropriate learning path from the drop down list. There are three options for report generation under this category, they are

*         Learning path users

*         Learning path lessons

*         Learning path courses

In order to get detailed report about learning path users, click on tab LEARNING PATH USERS it will give detailed report about the three category of users that is teachers, student and administrator along with their user name, registration date and last visit date.

In order to get detailed report about learning path lessons click on the tab LEARNING PATH LESSONS. The report generated will be detailed with lesson ID, lesson name and lesson description.

Clicking on the learning path course will generate report that will give information about Course ID, Course Name with course description

Time Spent Reports

This category gives the option to the teacher or the administrator to get detailed reports

1.       Students Enrolled

2.       Started Lesson

3.       Completed Lesson

4.       Completed Course

5.       Received Certificate

6.       Completed exam

7.       Registered user

8.       Most Active user

The user can select the FROM date by clicking on the calendar logo and in the similar fashion can select the TO date, the data is retrieved that falls between this time frame.

Student Enrolled

In order to get report related to students enrolled in the course, select the tab STUDENTS ENROLLED and then select the learning path and click on SUBMIT button. It will show the results in a tabular form with user name, class name and the date of purchase.



Started Lesson

In order to get detailed report about lessons started, click on the second tab from left STARTED LESSONS and select the lesson, the resultant report will be shown in tabular form with user name who has taken that lesson, the user type and the date of completion.


Completed Lesson

In order to get details about lesson completed select the tab COMPLETED LESSONS and select the lesson from the drop down box, the resultant report will be shown in tabular form with user name who has taken that lesson, score and the date of completion.


Course Completed

The tab COURSE COMPLETED gives the option to get detailed report on a specific course, the users who have completed the course and date on which they completed the course. Select the course from the drop down box and click on submit. The results will be shown in tabular form as below.

Received Certificates

The administrator or the teacher can also delve reports to get information on who has received the certificate for a specific course. Click on tab RECEIVED CERTIFICATES and select the course from the drop down box followed by submit, the results will be in a tabular form as below

Completed Exam

COMPLETED EXAM tab allows the user to create reports on the users who have completed the specific lesson. Select the lesson and click on submit to get results that give information about the user, date of exam completion, the status and the score for that exam.

Registered Users

REGISTERED USERS gives the report about registered users, date of registration, email and their on screen user name.

Most Active Users

Similarly the option of MOST ACTIVE USERS allows the administrator get report on the users that are most active in using the software and it gives details such as ID, name, access number, and total track time. 


User Reports

This section allows the teacher or the administrator get complete detail about a specific user. Click on the user name from the drop down box and get detailed information about the specific user. It has two REPORTS

1.       Learning path reports

2.       Lessons reports

Learning Path Reports

Learning path report which gives detail about the learning path, lessons, completion and the score.

Learning report

Another option is lesson report that gives details about the learning path name, course name, lesson name, completion status and score.

Lesson Report

This section allows the user to create report on a particular lesson, Click on the tab from the left hand side table and then select the lesson name from the drop down box and click on submit. There are two REPORTS

1.       Users

2.       Users completed exam


Click on the user tab and it will give detailed report demonstrating user name, type, registration date, over all progress, exam score and completion date.

Users Completed Exam

Click on user completed exam and the report will give details about username, score, status, date of completion and operations

Course Reports

This section will give reports about courses; there are two categories of reports that can be generated,

1.       Users

2.       Course instances


Select the course from the drop down list and click on submit, there will be two tabs  USERS AND COURSE INSTANCES.

Users tab will generate report that will give information about user name, user type, score, date of enrolment, date of completion and operations.

Course Instance

Course instance will generate report that will give information about the course name, learning path, participation in the course, number of lessons in the course, date of creation and the lesson names in the course.




Exam Reports

This section allows creating reports that give complete details about the different exams taken by the users. Click on lesson from the drop down menu list and click on submit. It will show the name of the lesson, the learning path name, course name, duration and no of question. Like other report sections there are 3 REPORT options under this category, Q


2.       ANALYSIS

3.       USERS

Question Analysis


Question Analysis will generate a report that gives details about question title and correct answer percentage.


Analysis section will generate report giving details about score, participants, percent and percent score higher or equal.


User tab will generate report that give detail about the users that have taken that specific exam along with details such as time to complete the test, average, score, minimum score and maximum score.


System Reports

In order to get system reports click on SYSTEM REPORTS tab on the left hand side. There are two different REPORT options available,

1.       Traffic report

2.       User types

Traffic Reports

 The user first has to select the FROM and TO date and FROM and TO time  in order to get the traffic report. The traffic report gives information about total system logins, total access time, most users ever online, user name, number of accesses and total access time.

User Types

User types report gives detail about user type and total users.


Certificate Reports

Certificate reports section can be accessed from the left hand tabs under the Reports section.  This section will provide the opportunity to generate reports about

1.       Users that got certificate for the learning path

2.       Users that got certificate for the course

3.       Users that got certificate for any learning path

4.       Certificate that will expire

5.       Search for certificates using its key

Users that got certificate for the learning path



In order to get detailed report about the users that got certification for a specific learning path click on the tab USERS THAT GOT CERTIFICATE FOR THE LEARNING PATH and select the FROM and TO date and also the learning path from the drop down list and click on submit.

Users that got certificate for the course



In order to get details about the user that received course certification click on tab USERS THAT GOT CERTIFICATE FOR THE COURSE and select the FROM and TO date and also the course name from the drop down list and click on submit.

Users that got certificate for any learning path


In order to information about users that got certificate from any learning path click on the tab USERS THAT GOT A CERTIFICATE FOR ANY LEARNING PATH and select the FROM and TO date and click on submit.

Certificates that will expire

In order to information about certificates that are about to expire click on tab CERTIFICATES THAT WILL EXPIRE and select the FROM and TO date and click on submit.


Search for certificates using a key

It is also possible to look for a specific certificate using its unique key, in order to search for certificate with a specific key click on tab SEARCH FOR CERTIFICATE USING KEY , enter the key and click on submit.





Participation Reports

The category participation reports allow the administrator or the teacher to get detailed report about student participation or participation in a particular course, lesson or learning path. Select the FROM and TO date and select the appropriate option from the drop down list to select the participation report for

*         Student

*         Learning path

*         Course or

*         Lesson


For SK_REPORTS_SELECTED_SPECIFIC_LABEL select the name of the student or the user name.



Forum Reports

Here you will find a list of all learning paths and can see their relevant Forum report by selecting appropriate option from the drop down list

HDD reports

This option allows the user to generate reports based on two criteria

*         Learning Path Files basis

*         User Wise

Click on the appropriate option to generate the relevant report

Transaction Reports

Transcript Report


This section has following sections

*         Forum

*         Fields manager

*         Forums manager

*         Images manager

*         Media upload

*         File Share

*         Feedback

*         Chatlms


Click on the forum tab in the left hand column, this will show the list of learning paths in the system with details such learning path name, start date and end date.

Click on the learning path name which will show the forum topics and the option to edit and delete a specific topic

In order to view the forum response click on the forum name, this will show the topics, the views, replies and the published responses


In order to edit the forum click on the Edit option on the right hand column which will show the below screen

There is an editor to change the forum description. Apart from that different functions available are

*         Article

*         Image

*         Page Break

*         Read more

*         Forum icon


In order to upload a specific article in the forum click on the Article button labelled ARTICLE ,  this will open the following dialog box

Use the different filters such as Access, status, category and language to search for the specified article.  The list shows the first 20 articles, to move to next page click on next or page number or to go to the end of the list click on END.

Click on the article to append it to the forum.


In order to append an image to the forum, click on button labelled IMAGE  next to article, this will open a new window with following options to search and insert the image

The screen will show the list of available folders to select the image, or the other option is to insert the Image URL if known. Give a brief image description and insert title image. There is also an option to give caption to the image and if the selected option is Yes the title of the image would be used as caption. The other option is to select the image from the computer, in order to do that click on CHOOSE FILE and then click on Start upload. Once the file is upload click on INSERT in the right hand column.

Page Break

In order to insert page break, click on the button labelled PAGE BREAK , this will open another window with following options

Insert the title of the page where the page break would be inserted; also insert the table of content alias. Click on Insert Page Break to insert the break.

Read More

Read more inserts a link titled ADMINISTRATOR COMPONENTS as shown in the forum description

Click on Save to save the changes.







This section allows to specify what would be allowed in the forum, select on YES or NO to enable or disable the use of Smiles, signatures, private messaging, bad words list, who online, pre moderation, margining of topics, log user IP and user statistics. Click on Save to save the changes.



This shows the list of profiles and the option to manage them. There is an option to publish the profile, unpublish them, edit the profile and delete the profile.


To search for a specific profile, type the name of the profile in the text box and click on go, to reset click on reset.


In order to publish the profile, select the profile by checking the checkbox of the profile and click on publish


In order to unpublish the profile, select the profile by checking the checkbox of the profile and click on unpublish


In order to delete the profile, select the profile by checking the checkbox of the profile and click on delete


In order to edit a profile, select the profile by checking the checkbox of the profile and click on edit or alternatively click on the profile name which would bring the following screen

The edit section is divided into three key section profile information, fields' manger, image manager.  These functions can be accessed for individual profile by clicking on the similar labelled tabs under PROFILE.


Profile Information

It has four fields

*         Full name: Edit the existing profile name in the text box

*         Forms manager: Select the right option from the list that is teachers form, supervisor form or students form.

*         Publish: Whether to publish or unpublish the profile

*         Order:  Select the profile order from the drop down list.

Field Information           

This category has 6 fields

*         Student ID: Select the student ID from the drop down list

*         Active student: Type Y for yes and N for No

*         International Student: This category states if the student is international or not, select Yes or No from the drop down list.

*         Degree: There are two text boxes underneath this field one for bachelor's degree and another for Majors

*         Birthday: Select the student's or users birth date

*         Test: select the checkbox for the tests that the student has already attempted.


In order to inset student image click on CHOOSE FILE and upload the student picture from the computer alternatively delete the existing image and select a new one. Finally click on the hyperlink ATTACH IMAGE FILES

*         Click on Save to save the edited options

*         Click on Apply  to apply the save options

*         Click on Cancel to cancel the changes





Fields Manager

In order to make any changes to any specific field, click on the tab FIELDS MANAGER under PROFILE which will bring all the active fields

The list shows the field name, type, if it is published, required, field access and the order. It also gives small description of the field and the ID.


In order to publish the field, select the field by checking the checkbox of the field and click on publish


In order to unpublish the field, select the field by checking the checkbox of the field and click on unpublish


In order to delete the field, select the field by checking the checkbox of the field and click on delete


In order to add new field to the existing list of fields, click on NEW. This will bring the following screen. In order to add new field, there are 7 categories which should be filled

*         Field name: Insert the name of the field in the text box such as CELL No                                               

*         Type: Select the appropriate type, for CELL no we will select numbers since the input would be in numeric format

*         Fields access: There are four options, whether you want the field to be public access, student access, teacher's only access or assistant's only access.

*         Publish: To publish the field, click on Yes or No to unpublish the field

*         Required: This would ensure that the field becomes mandatory with * sign

*         Order: The order of the field can be changed after it forms part of the field list

*         Description: Give brief description about the field such as CELL NO contact number


*         Click on Save to save the edited options

*         Click on Apply to apply  the save options

*         Click on cancel to cancel the changes



In order to edit the field click on checkbox of the specified field and click on EDIT tab this will bring the following screen

*         Field name: Edit the name of the field in the text box such as AGE can be HOW OLD ARE YOU?                  

*         Type: EDIT the appropriate type, for AGE we will select numbers since the input would be in numeric format

*         Fields access: There are four options, whether you want the field to be public access, student access, teacher's only access or assistant's only access.

*         Publish: To publish the field, click on Yes or No to unpublish the field

*         Required: This would ensure that the field becomes mandatory with * sign

*         Order: Change the order of the field by selecting the option from the drop down list

*         Description: EDIT brief description about the field


It also has the following options

*         Unique: IF you want the field to be unique

*         Default: Default value of the field: For instance in the Age field you can keep 0 as the default value

*         Validate: Validate if the user has inserted right response

*         Validate error message: Error message that would be displayed in case of incorrect response

*         Searchable: Whether the field should be searchable or not, click on YES or No

*         Max Length : This specified how many character the user can input for that specific field

CLICK on Save to save the edited options

Click on Apply  to apply  the save options

Click on Cancel to cancel the changes





Forms Manager

The screen shows the list of forms, teachers form, supervisors form and students form. The category is searchable by typing the name of the category in the SEARCH field. These forms can be edited by clicking on the EDIT button in the top right hand corner.

In order to click TEACHERS FORM, check the checkbox in the left column parallel to the category name and click on EDIT

The order of the fields can be changed in the right hand column, click on change order

Click on Save to get back to FORMS manager.

Similarly changes can be made to Assistants form and students form.



Images Manager

This shows the list of images appended to teachers, students and assistants profile, changes can be made in terms of accepting and declining an image. So if the image is not appropriate it can be declined.


This section allows setting different values for different fields. With simple checking and unchecking the formatting can be changed. It is divided in to three key categories

*         Display

*         Information

*         Images


Following values can be set under this category

*         Show thumb in profile set : Checking this option ensures that the thumb images are shown in the list and on front end

*         Auto accept images after uploading : Clicking on "Yes"  ensures the image is automatically accepted as soon as the user uploads it, no ensures that manual intervention would be required to make sure correct image is uploaded and then give approval for the same.

There are three different colours used to decode the status of the images

*         Green: Accepted images

*         Red: unaccepted images

*         Blue: In the waitlist, neither accepted not declined

Display format date for booking: It also to set the date format for example it can be dd-mm-yy, mm-dd-yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy or any other acceptable format

*         Row on Gallery Page : Specify how many rows you want on the display for example 4

*         Column on Gallery page: Specify how many columns you want on the display for example 3

*         Display model with no image: This ensures that the profiles with no image are displayed or not

*         Display  link to add favourite list below profile image: Checking this options gives the user option to keep a favourite list

*         Display description for field on front end : Checking this option ensures that the field description is displayed on the front end

*         Count models per page: Number of profiles per page

*         Mail From: Specify the email address from which the send mail will be triggered

*         From name: Specify the from name email address in the text box

*         Category required: There is a check box and checking it ensures that each profile falls into certain category





Media Upload

To upload an image click on media upload

Select the image form the computer and click on UPLOAD


This configuration allows creation of folder names. For images the default name should be "images", for scorn modules, "Scorn_Modules" and so forth. Specify the default folder names in the text boxes; ensure that there is no space in between the two words since some of the server operating systems do not handle the space in folder name accurately.


File Share


It is possible to share different files between the users. There are two options in which a file can be shared

*         PUBLIC: This means that any file uploaded for sharing will be viewable by everyone

*         CUSTOM: This ensures that the file is shared with a certain individual

Click on appropriate option based on sharing requirements, when the Public option is select the learning path is filled with the default option of ALL which means that it would be available for all available learning paths.

Custom gives a list of learning paths accessible from the drop down list, or one which can be selected from the list by clicking on specific checkbox against the name. After selecting the receiver of the file share click on UPLOAD and then click on APPLY.

The left column shows the file available for file share. 


Specify the student file storage location in the text box and click on SAVE in the top right hand corner



This extension gives the option to edit or delete the feedback received from the users. It has two tabs, edit and delete on the top right hand corner. It is also possible to search for a specific feedback by typing the name of the feedback or typing the feedback ID  in the textbox against the SEARCH label.

The page shows the list of feedback in a tabular form, in order to edit a specific feedback, click on the feedback by checking the checkbox against that feedback and click on edit.

IT brings up the screen with feedback details such as title, email of the person who dropped the feedback, the actual feedback text and any file if upload, these details can be checked, to keep it unchecked click on the cancel sign in the top right hand corner.

In order to delete any feedback, click on the feedback by checking the checkbox against that feedback and click on DELETE.



This is the subfield of the feedback field. This publishes or deletes the different options on the feedback form. This section allows adding new field, editing existing field, deleting a field, publishing and unpublishing a field.

The page shows the list of existing fields in the feedback form, which are email, text and file. The list also shows the type of the field, if it's mandatory, if it is published and what is the order with the option to provide quick description of the field.

Add new field

In order to add new field click on the option ADD from the top right hand corner this will open up the following screen.


*         Field name: Type the name of the field such as "Name" "Email"

*         Type: From the drop down list select the type such as text, numbers, email, checkbox, radio button, text area and so forth. Depending on this selection the field type would be created.

*         Fields access: There are three choices here, public, special and registered for example Public will make the field viewable for everyone, Special means the access rights would be with few people and registered means only registered users will be able to access the field.

*         Publish: Yes or No to make the field publish or not

*         Required: Yes will make the field mandatory and no will keep it optional.

*         Order: This will determine where it is displayed in the feedback form. The ordering can be changed after the field is created.

*         Description: Give brief description about the field for instance in email, type your email address with @

There are three options to apply the changes, cancel the changes or save the changes. These can be applied by clicking on appropriate button in top the right hand corner.

Type parameters

*         Unique: If the field needs to be unique

*         Default: Default option for the field

*         Validate: To ensure that the user does not enter incorrect entry into the field, for instance no text in a numeric field

*         Validate error message: What message would be displayed if the user enters incorrect characters in the field

*         Searchable: If the field should be searchable in the feedback extension

*         Width: Specify the width of the field, which means these many characters can be entered

*         Max length: Beyond this length the field will not take the input for instance if the length is 20 the field will not take any character that exceeds 20


Edit the field

In order to add new field click on the option EDIT from the top right hand corner this will open up the following screen.


*         Field name: Edit the name of the field such as from "Name" to  "Email"

*         Type: From the drop down list edit the type such as text, numbers, email, checkbox, radio button, text area and so forth. Depending on this selection the field type would be created. For instance you can change the type from text to email

*         Fields access: There are three choices here, public, special and registered for example public will make the field accessible for everyone. Special means the access rights would be with few people and registered means only registered users will be able to access the field. Edit the field access as required.

*         Publish: Yes or No to make the field publish or not. Edit the option as required.

*         Required: Yes will make the field mandatory and no will keep it optional. . Edit the option as required.

*         Order: Edit the ordering by selecting the option from the drop down list.

*         Description: Give brief description about the field for instance in email, type your email address with @

There are three options to apply the changes, cancel the changes or save the changes. These can be applied by clicking on appropriate button in top the right hand corner.

Type Parameters

*         Unique: If the field needs to be unique

*         Default: Default option for the field

*         Validate: To ensure that the user does not enter incorrect entry into the field, for instance no text in a numeric field

*         Validate error message: What message would be displayed if the user enters incorrect characters in the field

*         Searchable: If the field should be searchable in the feedback extension

*         Width: Specify the width of the field, which means these many characters can be entered

*         Max length: Beyond this length the field will not take the input for instance if the length is 20 the field will not take any character that exceeds 20

Delete the field

In order to delete any field, select the field by checking the checkbox against that field and click on DELETE in the top right hand corner

Unpublish the field

In order to unpublish any field, select the field by checking the checkbox against that field and click on UNPUBLISH in the top right hand corner alternatively click on the tick sign in the column next to the field name

Publish the field

In order to publish any field, select the field by checking the checkbox against that field and click on PUBISH in the top right hand corner alternatively click on the X sign in the column next to the field name





The forms extension shows the list of forms with the option to create new forms, edit existing forms and delete existing forms.

Create new form

In order to add new field click on the option NEW from the top right hand corner this will open up the following screen.

Edit the form

Delete the form

In order to delete any form, select the form from the list by checking the checkbox against that form and click on DELETE in the top right hand corner








The key aim of the chat component is to provide a real time communication tool to the students as well as the teachers. The chat component is available online and does not require any software or downloading. It can be accessed from the Joomla website by clicking on the label CHAT WINDOW from the Main menu which is located on the left hand side of the window.


Clicking on chat window will bring up the following screen with real time chat from different users logged in the chat. The chat tool is very easy to use and has all the necessary chat features pre installed in it.

This tool can be used for

1.0   Team meetings

2.0   Discussions

3.0   Class debates

4.0   To socialize

The messages can be typed in the text area

And to submit the messages to the chat window click on SUBMIT button on the lower right hand side of the chat window


The user has the option to select from different types of channels that are available as shown in the image below

Public: This means all the logged in users will be able to see the conversation. This is an ideal setting when team meetings or discussions are taking place. Any message from any specific user is viewed by all members of the chat.

Custom: This channel is viewed by specified users of the channel. So it can stay limited to few users such as team members that are preparing an assignment and do not want other teams to see their preparation.

Other channels can be added by the administrator to form groups or meetings


Chatlms allows to

1.       Add new channel

2.       Edit existing channel

3.       Delete existing channel

4.       Publish existing channel

5.       Unpublish existing channel

6.       Set a Default

Add new channel

In order to add new channel click on NEW in the top right hand corner

There are 3 fields here

*         Name: Type the channel name

*         Published: Select Yes or No to publish or unpublish the channel respectively

*         Access level: There are three option to keep the channel for everyone access that is public access, to keep it for registered users or to keep it for special authorization.

Click on Save to save the changes or click on cancel.

Edit existing channel

*         Name: Edit the channel name

*         Published: Select Yes or No to publish or unpublish the channel respectively

*         Access level: There are three options, to keep the channel for everyone access that is public access, to keep it for registered users or to keep it for special authorization. Edit as per requirement.

Click on Save to save the changes or click on cancel or click on Apply to apply the changes

Set a default

In order to set a channel as default click on the channel by checking the checkbox against the channel name and click on Default from the top right hand corner. There can be only one channel as default at any point of time; the default channel is represented by a yellow star in the column

Delete the channel

In order to delete any channel, select the channel by checking the checkbox against that channel and click on DELETE in the top right hand corner

Unpublish the channel

In order to unpublish any channel, select the channel by checking the checkbox against that channel and click on UNPUBLISH in the top right hand corner alternatively click on the tick sign in the column next to the default column

Publish the channel

In order to publish any channel, select the channel by checking the checkbox against that channel and click on PUBISH in the top right hand corner alternatively click on the X sign in the column next to the Default column



There are five options under this section

1.       Add new emotion

2.       Edit existing Emotion

3.       Delete existing emotion

4.       Publish existing emotion

5.       Unpublish existing emotion

The page shows the list of existing channels with code, name, image, order and its publish status

Add new emotion

In order to add new emotion to the chat click on NEW from the top right hand corner, this will bring the above screen.

It has following fields

*         Code: Specify the code for instance :) for smiley

*         File name: select the file from the list

*         Image: The image will change based on what file you have selected from the drop down list

*         Published: Yes to publish the emotion and No to unpublished it

Click on Save to save the changes or cancel.

Edit existing emotion

In order to edit any existing emotion, select the emotion by checking the checkbox against that emotion and click on EDIT in the top right hand corner

It has following fields

*         Code: EDIT the code

*         File name: Edit the file name from the list

*         Image: The image will change based on what file you have selected from the drop down list

*         Published: Yes to publish the emotion and No to unpublish it , Edit the changes as required

Click on Save to save the changes or cancel or click on apply to apply the editions.

Delete the emotion

In order to delete any emotion, select the emotion by checking the checkbox against that emotion and click on DELETE in the top right hand corner

Unpublish the emotion

In order to unpublish any emotion, select the emotion by checking the checkbox against that emotion and click on UNPUBLISH in the top right hand corner alternatively click on the tick sign in the column next to the default column

Publish the emotion

In order to publish any emotion, select the emotion by checking the checkbox against that emotion and click on PUBISH in the top right hand corner alternatively click on the X sign in the column next to the Default column



Select the default theme for the ChatLMS from the drop down list


Chat log

The chat log can be accessed by clicking on the label CHAT LOG from the main menu as shown in the image below

Chat log will show all conversations that have taken place between the different users from a specified period of time. So if a student enters the debate or the chat late he or she can catch up as what the discussion was all about.

Chat window

The chat window is the actual chat place where the discussion or the communication takes place. The chat window is loaded with different tools and features that can be used by the user.


The user has the option to select from wide variety of styles for the chat window. Click on the drop down list near the label STYLE and select the appropriate style from the list. As shown in the image below, select the style COBALT from the drop down list changes the appearance of the window from plain white to black background and coloured chat area.

The changes take place on the user side only, for instance if user 468882 changed the style it will be reflected in the window of that particular window of that user.



The chat also gives the option to change the language, the different options can be found in the drop down list near the label LANGUAGE. Click on the list and select the appropriate language, for instance if you choose French, it will translate the existing content into French

And once when the user types in the text area it will again show in default language which is English, in order to change the latest messages select the language once again from the drop down list.



The right side of the chat window shows different tools that can be used by the user.


The users can logout clicking on LOGOUT label available on the right hand side of window or by clicking on LOGOUT button in the upper hand side of the chat window.

List of online users

In order to find out who all are logged in the chat click on the label LIST OF ONLINE USERS from the right hand side menu of the chat window as shown in the image above. The list would be shown in the text area as show in the image below. This feature can be used to find out the people who would be viewing your messages or to whom you intend to communicate.

List of ignored users

It is also possible to ignore certain users , in order to find out the list of ignored users click on the label LIST OF IGNORED USERS from the right hand side menu of the chat window as shown in the image above. The list would be shown in the text area as show in the image below. This feature can be used to find out  who has been ignored from the chat communication

List available channels

There can be more than on channel at one point of time, in order to find out what all channels are available for chat click on click on the label LIST OF AVILABLE CHANEL from the right hand side menu of the chat window as shown in the image above. The list would be shown in the text area as show in the image below.

Describe action

Selecting this option will ensure whatever is typed in the text area of the chat window appears in ITALICS in the chat communication area.

Roll dice


In order to play the roll dice game click on click on the label ROLL DICE from the right hand side menu of the chat window as shown in the image above. The result would be shown in the text area as show in the image below.

Change user name


When a user logs in the chat, the system assigns the name in form of a number as shown below, this can be too inconvenient if there are known members in the chat room, the user can change the name by clicking on the label CHANGE USERNAME from the right hand side menu of the chat window as shown in the image above. The change would be shown in the text area as show in the image below. As shown in the image below, the user 543948 is now Pinky.

Format Tools

The chat feature has different formatting tools.

Emotions: Different emotions can be selected from the list available in the lower left hand corner of the chat window

BOLD:  Clicking on the button B will ensure the font is BOLD

Italics : Click on "i" to italics the font

Underline: click on "u" to underline the font

Quote: This will put the sentence in "" quotation format

URL:  In order to send a URL click on button titled URL, this will open a small dialog box

Insert the URL and click on Ok, this will display the text in a hyperlink format

In order to upload an image in the chat session click on the button labelled IMAGE , it will insert the image tags in the text area

Insert the address of the image in between the text

In order to change the color of the font, click on FONT COLOR, this will display the colour spectrum

Select the appropriate colour by clicking on the relevant colour.


In order to get help about the shortcuts that can be used in the chat window, click on  on the lower right hand corner of the window. It will display the help in the right column of the window


The settings of the chat window can be changed by clicking on  on the lower right hand corner of the window. It will display the settings option in the right column of the window

Enable or disable the settings based on requirements. For instance if you intend to disable the hyperlinks, uncheck the checkbox labelled ENABLE HYPERLINKS. Similarly in order to enable or disable the emotions check or uncheck the check box.

It is also possible to change the settings for the sound, for instance if you want to enable the sound every time a message is displayed. Sound for outgoing message or error message can also be specified. It is also possible to restrict the number of messages in the chat window by specifying maximum number of messages.  Different types of sounds can be specified for different actions such as sound-1 for outgoing messages, sound 2 for incoming messages, sound 3 for error messages and so forth.

Sound can be muted by clicking on  on the extreme lower right hand corner of the window

The right window pane can be closed by clicking on , this will disable the right pane with settings and tools and the entire chat window will then be used for conversation

, this is used to enable and disable the auto scroll


The key aim of this section is to provide information about

*         How to create a manual marking question?

*         How to assess the manual marking question?

*         How to attempt the manual marking question?

This feature is normally used when the answers require manual intervention since they do not have definite yes or no answer to the question mostly essay type questions. This feature is also used when the question requires the students to think outside the box and be creative in their responses



How to create a manual marking question?

In order to create a manual marking question, the teacher has to login in the administrator area of the component.

It will bring the admin area of Joomla, from that go to components menu and select LMS King

This will open the home screen of the component with the START TAB.


Create a lesson by clicking on the option "OPEN OR CREATE A LESSON" in the START TAB

It will bring the create lesson window as shown below

Fill the section as required for instance lesson name, lesson description, lesson type, lesson category, pre-requisite, teacher, assistants and if any file is to be uploaded.

Click on Save and go to Questions to create a manual marking question.


Manual marking questions are essay question or long answer question.  From the create and Edit question section, select LONG ANSWER question, this will bring the following screen

Insert the details such as

The title of the question - Give the question a title such as "AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL REVOUTION"

Question wording - The actual wording of the question for instance,

"What was the role of African slaves in American industrial revolution?" 

MANUAL MARKING: Select the checkbox that states MANUAL MARKING, there are two options to it

Allows text response: This will ensure that the student will type their answer in text format in the answer area

Allow file upload: This will enable the students to upload a file in response to the question

 Select the size of the answer window: This allows configuring the size of the answer area such as 10 lines or 20 lines, selecting the right size from the drop down box.

Pre-fill Answer: This allows the teacher to give specific requirements to the student by putting the instructions in the answer area, click on the option which will open up a new dialog box with text area, for instance

Write your answer in the following answer area in 4 lines

Number of words/characters: The teacher can specific the word limit or character limit using this option

Select the right option from short answer or long answer by clicking on the right radio button

Point value : The point value for this answer.

Click on Add to the end of the list or INSERT in the list to add the question or click on preview to preview the question. In order to remove the information click on CLEAR FORM

The question can be seen at the end of the page in the questions table

How to assess the manual marking question?

The teacher or the assistant can view the various responses to manual marking questions posted by the student and also manually grade them. In order to access this feature, login with the teacher username and password, which would open the following home page?



The left hand column has the option of Manual marking guide, click on the hyperlink which would show the existing manual marking questions and the responses to the same

The screen gives detailed description about the learning path, the course name, the section that has the manual marking questions. As per the above screen student with the screen name "pinkystudent" has submitted response to the manual marking question in Class First learning path in course learning CSS3.


In order to view the submitted answer click on the hyperlink with the label "STUDENT ANSWER" , this will open the response posted by the student

The section gives information about

*         Learning path : The name of the learning path, in this case "First Learning path"

*         Course name: The name of the course , in this case "Course Learning CSS3"

*         Lesson name : The lesson name in which the question appears is shown, in this case "CSS3"

*         Title of the question : This shows the title of the question, In this case it is "MMarking-2"

*         Question wording: This is the actual question for the manual marking , in this case "Explain about WWW"

*         Answer submitted: The answers submitted by the student appear in a tabular format as shown in the screen above.

*         Submission date : Shows the exact time and date when the student submitted the answer for the manual marking question

*         The score given for the answer by the teacher

*         And any general feedback

 This section is mostly filled by the teacher or the assistant after reviewing the submitted answer. In order to submit the review click on button titled SUBMIT . The scoring and the feedback will reach the student.


How to view and use the manual marking question?

When the student purchases the learning path and attempts the lesson, the manual marking guide questions is included in the task list. In order to view the manual marking question, go to the task list that is displayed in the left hand column of the home page , clicking on that will open up the following screen

The above screen shows that the test manual question answer has been submitted on 14th September and the student is waiting for the score





User problems

    Why isn't my Certification Path showing in the front end?

Open the Learning Path Manager page in the admin area of the component. See the list of Learning Paths.  Your learning path will have a status of Not Visible.  To determin why, mouse over the "Not Visible" status and you will see a toolTip popup that will provide you with an explanation as to why it doesn't show








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 [d2]Same as there was not output showing the previous screen

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 [d6]Same as above