Great functionality, very flexible and i found it very easy to add lessons. This product should be rated above number one (1).
Ease of use
Using the creation wizard i was online and working in minutes.
Excellence support
Properly structured documentation.
Value for money
Best value by far.
LMS King has a ton of functionality and will do most anything you can think of. In fact we needed only a fraction of functions it came with.
Ease of use
It's fairly intuitive and well-labeled. it is complex of course, but only because of the potential functionality it provides.
Support was spot on. I've been emailing the developer back and forth for a month now and he's helped me every step of the way.
The only part I found to be lite & it could use a lot more documentation. With that in mind though, the developer is quick to respond.
Value for money
Well worth the price to us.
I used this to: We've created an online school that presents video lectures, with each lecture for sale and a combination of lectures creating a "course." So far LMS King has had just about all the functionality we want and the flexibility to let us configure/shape it as we want.
Functions well. Integrates well with joomla. Makes it easy to have all of you data in one directory.
Ease of use
I am moving from moodle because I do not want the complexity. Simple to use.
I got a response within a few hours.
Value for money
Its worth the money.
I used this to: Continuing Education units for EMTs and Paramedics to re certify their license.
It has the flexibility to work for both public and in-house private training.
Keep up the good work
Ease of use
You can make the online learning as easy or rigorous as you want. It challenges the concept of online learning being the soft option.
Great support - prompt and Rob goes beyond what you ask for.
DocumentationIt is worth it to spend some time watching the installation and the instructional videos.
Value for money
It is very comprehensive with the developers being responsive to suggestions so it is evolving all the time.
Owner's reply: Thanks for that John, as per recommendations from clients we have now added EasySocial plugins.
We have had more requests for Easysocial than Jomsocial.
The LMS King is full of options and has a vast range of question types. I highly recommend watching the instructional tutorials for a guide on how to install and use the product. The support was outstanding, my questions were answered promptly and my issues were fixed within 24 hours of identifying the problem. Great extension and even better support.
I bought this extension to get 'moodle like' capability into Joomla. What I have got so far is the potential to go way past moodle from the perspective of drop down menus, manipulative web design and courses with payment. I had a problem after installing the 2 part zip files correctly mainly because I was using a rockettheme which is new to Joomla. The support I got to get my installation up and running was consistent and clever til the final result which is now a functioning Joomla, with LMS and I am ready to go the next step and start lessons. To summarize, the support was immediate and to the highest level. Well done LMS King.
Excellent guys. Good idea to add the Lite version for a Try before you buy. Saved me having to ask for access to the demo site.
This Free lite version seems to have all the features of the commercial Guru component that we've been using. Love the new admin design too. A lot more modern.
Well done.
This is the best LMS you can buy for Joomla. Well made and has all the features you ever need. Even better is their support: second to none!!! Do not think about doing something else while waiting for an answer: you won't get the time.... Excellent!
Owner's reply: Hahaha, Thanks for that Tom.
We try to keep everyone happy. We are adding a new emailing submissions to teacher feature now too. So,achesecmoachetensions.joomla.oheirp0px;">
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