Joomla LMS

What our customers say about our Joomla LMS

As you may know, LMS King is currently one of the leading LMS (learning management systems) available for Joomla. This is not surprising once you go through the available features and realize it’s simply the most robust and versatile package out there. But if you’re still feeling on the fence about this, maybe the following list of testimonials from current customers will help you make up your mind.


On expandability:

“One of the things I love the most about LMS King is the expandability of it. There are different versions available in different price ranges, aimed at different complexity requirements. This makes it really easy to get started with the program by trying out one of the streamlined versions (there’s even a Lite version that can be downloaded at no charge), then upgrading the software as the need for complex projects arises.”

On features:

“LMS King Professional carries such a complete set of features that you’ll be hard-pressed to find something lacking – and even if you do, it looks like the developers are very attentive and always eager to add new functions. As it is, the software is very robust and extremely complete. The learning curve is not gentle (especially for users lacking experiencing using Joomla), but it’s certainly worth the time you invest into it.”

On support:

“As much as I was impressed with the software itself, it’s the customer support that really makes a difference for me. The developer is very responsive and always interested to learn about new ideas or perceived shortcomings, which he will then use to keep refining LMS King to be more powerful and also easier to use. Keep doing a great job! You really are the LMS King.”

On presentation:

“You’ve done a great job at making this program intuitive, especially considering there are so many (sometimes so complex) functionalities. Everything is clearly labeled and organized, and coming from a competing LMS I had no problems whatsoever getting the hang of LMS King. In fact, I found it much simpler to use than the LMS I had purchased before, which was not user friendly at all”.

On ecommerce:

“We love how LMS King integrates easily with ecommerce platforms, making it really simple to sell courses on-line, or even combine free and paid-for contents in the same package. It’s these apparently trivial things that make a lot of difference: not having to waste time with technical considerations, and getting to focus only in using the software, since you know all the tools and features you need are there. Five stars!”


Joomla LMS
The crowd rates us 5.0 out of 5.0

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