Joomla LMS

King Products - Advantages of using Joomla Component

Joomla LMS has evolved a lot and during its course of evolution some additional features runs into Joomla. That is one of the major reasons making Joomla popular. As a content management system there is no match to Joomla. But if you are looking to build website, then you need to think different ways to add feature into it. There is some known fact that helps Joomla e-learning website, which you would like to hold for betterment of your client.


What are the Primary features at Joomla 3.3.3?

While dealing with Joomla LMS you need to consider some of its associated features like Chat, Drop box. You can try document management tool which can help you in editing document sorting and even creating links, which you will be using in your libraries.

Joomla authorizing tools

Authorizing tools are in built Joomla, you can us it while focusing on Joomla LMS. Out of many tools available, question pool and Quiz maker can be the prominent tools to focus on. These tools can help teachers to create great quizzes and make questions. Moreover, you can create virtual classroom with the help of live conferencing tools. You need to have clear plan so that the project expedition goes without any glitches and is completed in time.

Advantages of Using Joomla Components

Joomla is a free content management system used to create beautiful website. At Joomla, web sites are designed by combining modules, there is no programming knowledge required. Joomla is written in PHP; hence it helps to customize websites. There are number of option like RRS-feed, Pools, Publish, Internationalization of language for Joomla user to make website online. With a very little knowledge you can post information on the internet. Though, there are number of free “Joomla Themes” available in the market. But if you want to create your own themes, you can create easily. Joomla codes are free; you can customize your modules and can create extensions for your website. “Joomla-Plugins” are the extensions included in Joomla to create certain events like payment gateways, visual editor. Most of the “Joomla-Plugins” are created to call certain events. Suppose if are looking to set up a payment gateway window for your e-learning website prior to the e-learning course start, “Joomla-Plugins” like “ SIM payment gateway of LMS King” can help you to achieve this feature.


Joomla LMS
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