Joomla LMS

Why LMS king been rated best by learning experts.



E-Learning is slowly exploding! LMS king has been awarded highest rating trough out the world, it is getting better and more powerful day by day. It can easily be seen from the voice of the customer “After using Moodle for the past 6 years, I was always looking for a solution inside Joomla, like a component. Finally I found LMS King. The change was fantastic. Forget it about all the complications with Joomdle in order to present courses embedded in Joomla.’ – qmiguel – 27 December 2013
LMS king is still quickest and easiest way to produce a training event and is preferred by many employees. Modern LMS solutions like “LMS king professional” can achieve the learning goal by cutting the cost and risks. It is a modern strategy of improving skills and bringing people to the learning curve. From an enterprise point of view it will be difficult to run a business if employees are not continuously learning. A successful LMS brings good return on investment and benefits all areas of the Organization. With LMS King learning solution you can inspire, educate and certify people on the go.

LMS king solves the pain areas - LMS king inspire employees and cultivate know-how in the organization. Accelerate knowledge transfer among employees and certifies them which help them to take the responsibility for the next level. As per the recent studies in US 75% of the employee development happens on the job, 25% happens trough training and development. This is intuitively a true statistic and can be easily achieved through LMS king. With LMS king you can quickly create course with the help of wizards, it is built with different sets of questions formats, reports, extensions which will help you move ahead.

LMS king is Flexible to Access and wider in reach - LMS king supports the learning on demand feature, now one need not have to be dependent on time zone to access the training. Learners can acquire and exchange knowledge over the LMS trough advanced features like chat rooms, easy file share. LMS king training is not limited to classrooms. You can reach out the number of learners around the world.

LMS King can reduce Dependency - One may miss the session due unavoidable reason, as result learner may loss crucial information on the lesson. But with LMS king learner are no more dependent on time, they can access course ware anywhere any time.

The above points make LMS king best of all Joomla Extensions.



Joomla LMS
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