Professional Learning Management System at King Products

The easy operability and user-friendly environment have grown the popularity of Learning Management Systems. This allows organizations and educational institutions to plan, implement, and access a specific learning process. It has a server that performs the base functionality and a user interface that is used by instructors, students, and administrators. A Professional learning management system provides a way for the instructor to create, organize, and deliver content. He can also monitor student participation and access to student performance.

LMS is very beneficial for a wide range of organizations, higher education institutions, and corporations. These systems can improve the traditional educational and learning methods simultaneously allowing organizations to save money. A professional LMS will allow instructors and administrators to effectively manage elements such as user registration, calendars, user access, communication and certificates, notifications, etc.

 What are Learning Management Systems used for?

An LMS can be effectively used for all types of learning tasks however, it’s an invaluable business tool embraced by organizations big and small. Here are some of the most common areas where LMS is used:

 Employee Training

Regardless of the type of the company, training new employees and teaching new skills to old employees is a constant. With a business LMS, you can cut down employee training costs and mitigate business disruptions associated with traditional learning by allowing your employees to study the material online.

Employee Orientation

A business LMS can automate and handle the important task of onboarding new hires very easily. You can include all the stuff including company policies and structure in your LMS so that all the new hires can get complete information.

Knowledge Retention

A knowledge retention program through LMS makes sure that the valuable skills, techniques and information stays with your company when your employees retire or leave. This way you can use the information to teach and train new employees.


The learning management system is also good for general education offerings. This includes classroom-based courses, online lessons, a business educating the clients, NGO helping educate the genera; population.

How does Learning Management System Work?

An LMS can be thought of as a large repository that allows users to store and track information in one place. Anyone with login details can access the system and its online learning resources. Some common features available in an effective LMS include:


  • Responsive Design
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Reports and Analytics
  • Course and Catalog Management
  • Content Interoperability and Integration
  • Support Services
  • Certification and Compliance Support
  • Social Learning Capabilities
  • Gamification
  • Automation
  • Localization
  • Artificial Intelligence

Learning Management Systems provide users with a plethora of benefits no matter what type of organization is using it. You can easily create the content material in the LMS either using embedded programs or by importing existing material. After creating your eLearning material you can organize it depending on the type of audience. The last step is to deliver the content to the learners in an effective way. Look out for professional LMS with advanced features and add on and extensions for advanced functionality.

Front end content creation with JCE

While developing the front end developing functionality for the Registration Manager King component today, I came across a little problem that had me stumped for a little while.
In all my work, I use ONLY the JCE editor as I think it's the best and the developer of it gives support very quickly.
So, back to the problem. While I was documenting the front end content creation for events, I noticed that the description fields were only showing textareas. Weird, I confirmed that in the xml files for the fields, they were set as type Editor. So, a bit of googling only found a few little problems, but the problems were for all editors not showing in the front end.
In the end, what I found was that I needed to go to the JCE component in the admin area. Open the Profiles section, go to the Default Profile, Setup tab.   Here you can set the Groups. You need to set the creator group so that your creator can see the JCE editor and enter the description with formatting. 
I'm pretty sure I'll need to do the same thing with the Instructor and Organizer profiles too.

New Event Registration Manager King Component

Today we are preparing to release or new component.
We have based our new component on the Event Registration component from Joomla Showroom.
We decided to write this component as we have had many requests from clients in the past for this type of component.  We decided on this component to base ours as we knew it best.  in the past, we developed the JCal integration into the Event Registration component on behalf of one of our clients, Ron Greenspan, and we were approached by JoomlShowroom to integrade the payment plugins system into it too. We also then later added the group registration functionality into the component too. Each time, we handed the code over to the original developer so that they could introduce it into their codebase and so that our clients would get free ongoing support when they upgraded to later versions of this component.
Today, after 8 months of development, we are happy to announce that of iE rehnveloyever to ce.html" tited te%; font-famrems-row cols-1 e="Puand we wer nts would gar codebase and so that our clow cageght: 115pat they ca integrade the payment plugins system p>lddiv>tional;Localization ldnalif="/t Re a pdb wess="rt-ar Localization Localization< 'Tvent Re a pdb our cliobyr creatm-bg -pt; ecid 'gkdiv> -pt; ecid 'gkdiv> Localization< 'Tvent Re a ig g< bdebawe<< g>< 'Tvent Re a ig g< bdebawe<< g>< 'Tvent Re a ig g< bdebawe<< g> Localization