King Products - LMS King Professional - SETTINGS

The settings of the chat window can be changed by clicking on Image173 in the lower right hand corner of the window. It will display the settings option in the right column of the window
Enable or disable the settings based on requirements. For instance if you intend to disable the hyperlinks, uncheck the checkbox labelled ENABLE HYPERLINKS. Similarly in order to enable or disable the emotions check or uncheck the check box.
It is also possible to change the settings for the sound, for instance if you want to enable the sound every time a message is displayed. Sound for outgoing message or error message can also be specified. It is also possible to restrict the number of messages in the chat window by specifying maximum number of messages.  Different types of sounds can be specified for different actions such as sound-1 for outgoing messages, sound 2 for incoming messages, sound 3 for error messages and so forth.
Sound can be muted by clicking on Image175 on the extreme lower right hand corner of the window
The right window pane can be closed by clicking on Image176, this will disable the right pane with settings and tools and the entire chat window will then be used for conversation
Image177, this is used to enable and disable the auto scroll


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